The New England Conservatorium of Music (NECOM) is proud to be part of International “Make Music Day”, an event that is being celebrated all over the world.
Armidale continues its journey to become internationally recognised for its contribution to music by joining, for the first time, in the global music celebration known as “Make Music Day”.
The annual worldwide event started over three and a half decades ago in France as La Fête De La Musique. The idea was to have free live music be an all-encompassing living thing that could be performed by anyone from anywhere – street corners, parks, gardens, storefronts, and rooftops.
Since 1982, the event has spread and in 2018 it makes its debut in Armidale with NECOM and the Armidale Youth Orchestra opening their doors to the community and holding a special concert event for preschool and primary school students in Armidale with their annual Walk Through the Orchestra.
“Make Music Day” is held throughout the world on the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere – which this year is 21 June.
Last year, over 800 cities in 120 countries had Make Music events in an international symphony celebrating the joys of live music.
NECOM and AYO have two concert performances for children, many of whom have never seen a live symphony orchestra before. The concerts are scheduled for 21 June at the Old Teachers College in Armidale
- 11:15am – 12pm for preschools. Over 130 preschoolers and their carers have already RSVP’d for the event
- 1pm-2pm for primary schools. 251 students and their teachers from Armidale and as far away as Glen Innes and Kingstown will be coming to see the performance.
Members of parliament and other local dignitaries have been invited to attend, making this an excellent opportunity for positive news coverage of NECOM’s contribution to music and the community in New England as part of this worldwide event.
For more information please contact NECOM on 6788 2135 or email Russell Bauer: director@necom.org.au