In these challenging times, thank you for your patience and ongoing support as we all continue to work together through these coming months. In response to the current situation and government advice, NECOM's plans are:
Individual lessons - Continuing
Individual instrumental and vocal lessons will continue via on-line learning eg Zoom, Google Meet etc OR face-to-face. These are to be negotiated individually by the teacher, parents and student.
We need to protect our students’ learning and maintain as much normality and stability in their lives as possible. Continuing their music lessons/practice routines allows them to maintain weekly communication and music making with their teacher. In these shifting and stressful times music, now more than ever, gives students an ideal platform for self-expression and creativity.
Campus lessons - Some parents and students will continue lessons at the NECOM Campus at the Old Teachers College until the end of Term 1. Please note due to increased public safety, the Building is now closed to the public. Students and parents will be notified by their teachers who still have access to the building for lessons - entry and exit to the building will be arranged by the teacher and parents.
All Campus Programs - Cancelled
* Concerts, workshops and events
* Ensemble/orchestra/choral programs
* Mini Minstrels (early childhood) classes
* Music Therapy programs
School Programs - Cancelled
All choral, curriculum, ensemble and individual programs
We will announce planning for Term 2 in April when the situation becomes clearer. At this stage, NECOM is committed to:
1. continuity of individual lessons program
2. exploring and developing alternative programs/activities through technology
3. exploit technology options for better communication with our community
4. supporting students and families
5. working hard to keep teachers and staff employed
The social and financial effects of the crisis will be unprecedented but this crisis is finite and we must all work together through this period. Over 60% of NECOM programs and revenue will be lost during this time.
We therefore ask parents, students and our community to continue enrolment in the Instrumental Lessons Program in Term 2 as their support has never been more important to help us through this crisis. It is critical that individual lessons continue as they help students maintain their music studies and normal routines; they ensure ongoing employment for teachers and staff; and making music maintains the well-being impacts of participation in music education across our society.
The NECOM administration team will continue to work remotely and diligently to ensure that communication remains open and regular. Please get in touch with us as we check emails daily - you can click on the 'CONTACTS' button for our contact information.
In the meantime, we must all follow the advice of government and uphold all safety and hygiene measures:
• Wash hands regularly with soap and water
• Avoid touching your face
• Clean your instrument, desk, computer keyboard, writing equipment etc regularly
• Do not share the above equipment with others
• Practise social distancing
• Limit social contact, stay at home
• If you are feeling unwell, stay at home and seek medical advice
Thank you and keep safe
Susanne James
CEO, New England Conservatorium of Music