Towards the end of last term, NECOM String students had the opportunity to attend masterclasses, workshops and lessons with Tor Fromhyr (violin) and David Pereira (cello), both leading teachers from ANU, School of Music. HSC performance students were able to workshop their ensemble repertoire and students auditioning for the Australian Youth Orchestra were given a special session on how to prepare the orchestral excerpts. Our students reaped many benefits from this venture. It was particularly of use for those violin students who have already been having the occasional video conferencing lessons with Tor. He was able to offer much more specific technical advice to follow up on the expert information already given. Auditions were also held for Year 12 Students who may consider tertiary studies in Canberra.
HSC Music Extension violin students David Tan, Jessica Hughes and Angela Fittler gave performances of a selection of their repertoire they are preparing for their coming exams at the monthly Sunday Market Concert at the Armidale Uniting Church. They presented it as a formal concert to a very appreciative audience. The high level of musicianship and technical accomplishment displayed by all three young artists made for outstanding performances.