Mini Minstrels have been busy this term, getting back into the program after our big summer break with an ‘On the Farm’ Theme. We have been re-visiting familiar songs from last year and have learned some new ones as well.
Mini Minstrels have been exploring familiar concepts such as beat and rhythm, and have started looking at fast and slow, loud and soft, learning through playing percussion instruments and using our voices.
Our preschoolers in our ‘Early Childhood Music Program – in Preschools’ have been trying out finger cymbals and learning how to hold them so that they make a beautiful sound. We have been using shape drums and using them to explore beat and rhythm concepts as well as practicing how to make instruments stop when they want them to.
We have been learning the ‘Chinese Fan’ song with all of its funny actions, and playing games – ‘My Pigeon House’ and ‘Doggie Doggie Where’s Your Bone’ are firm favourites.
We look forward to next term and we will be changing our theme to ‘Up in the Sky’!
We have spaces in many of our age specific and family classes & always welcome new families wanting to try out any of our programs.
-Beck Smith