NECOM has now been in operation for 16 years. In that time we’ve seen many students grow up with the programs offered by the Conservatorium. Thanks to a very large photo archive and with the help of some of our long term students, we have decided to run a new feature called NECOM Then & Now. The first student we’d like to highlight is Arlie Bragg who began her NECOM career with Mini Minstrels, then went on to Minisingers and is a current member of the Armidale Youth String Orchestra and Fromaggio, one of our chamber ensembles.
Over to Arlie:
I’ve been coming to NECOM for as long as I can remember. It started with my dad bringing me on a Saturday morning to Mini Minstrels when I was 3, not long after my brother was born. I loved all the instruments, the bouncy balls and the big parachute, they were so exciting!
I sang in Minisingers for a while but then I dedicated myself to the cello. I play in the Armidale Youth String Orchestra and the NECOM Chamber Ensemble, Frommagio.
I really like playing in AYSO. I think it’s lots of fun and it makes you feel really great, especially when all the instruments come together to create an amazing, exciting and powerful sound. I’ve also made heaps of new friends in the orchestra over the time I’ve been there.
I would like to one day, play cello in the Armidale Youth Orchestra and maybe one day the Armidale Symphony Orchestra, and after that perhaps even larger Orchestras in Australia. I would also love to continue on playing in the Chamber Ensemble, so I can see myself at NECOM for a while longer.
My favourite memories of all would have to be going to Mini Minstrels with my dad when I was little, I loved singing with him and playing the instruments and games, really happy memories. I think that time of my life really fuelled the love for music that I have now.