Statement of Commitment

 Our organisation provides high quality programs for children that are safe and welcoming for them.

We provide an open, welcoming and safe environment for everyone participating in our programs.

We seek advice and guidance from children, parents and colleagues in order that standards are maintained.


Everyone participating in NECOM’s programs (including staff, volunteers, parents and visitors) must keep to the following codes of behaviour:


  • Treat everyone with respect and honesty (this includes staff, volunteers, students, children, young people and parents).
  • Remember to be a positive role model to children in all your conduct with them.
  • Set clear boundaries about appropriate behaviour between yourself and the children in your organisation – boundaries help everyone to carry out their roles well.
  • Follow organisational policy and guidelines for the safety of children as outlined in our Child-Safe and Child-Friendly
  • Record and act on serious complaints.


Do Not:

  • Develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism such as the offering of gifts or special treatment.
  • Do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as going to the toilet or changing clothes.
  • Allow children to access your personal equipment, such as mobile phones, laptops or tablets etc.