February 1st 2019 is one of the most important dates in the 90-year history of the CB Newling Building, known colloquially as the Old Teacher’s College. On February 1 2019, the Honourable Adam Marshall MP announced that the management of the site (building and grounds) is now in the hands of the NSW Department of Education. This deal ensures the future tenancy of NECOM within the building, as well as the Friends of the Teacher’s College (FOTC). In making his official statement this morning, Mr Marshall remarked upon the original educational purpose of the historic building and said that the “grand old dame” would now continue into the future as a centre of education. This decision allows the State Government to budget for renovations and maintenance of areas that have been neglected for two decades, and importantly it gives the green light for the installation of a lift within the building to allow for disability access between floors and for the movement of large musical equipment. Mr Bauer, the CEO of NECOM, said that this decision “allows NECOM to remain within the building and continue on with our core business of offering top quality music education and services”. The staff, parents and students of NECOM would like to thank Mr Marshall for his advocacy of the New England Conservatorium.
Mr Russell Bauer