
Carl Crossin Choral Masterclass

On Friday 23rd March, the New England Singers enjoyed an intensive workshop with one of Australia’s leading choral conductors Carol Crossin. Many of our choristers were already familiar with Carl as he is the conductor […]


Karin Schaupp and Umberto Clerici

The first of three Musica Viva concerts for 2018 was a sell-out and proved to be a memorable occasion, with the audience enjoying an exquisite evening of music from Karin Schaupp (guitar) and Umberto Clerici […]


AMEB Award for NECOM

Following on from the award we received last month from the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB), we can report that NECOM was one of only two NSW Conservatoriums to be bestowed this certificate for “Most […]


AYO Garden Party

Knowing that New England weather can be unpredictable, all fingers were crossed on the morning of the annual Rosemary Leitch Garden Party, this year held at Chevy Chase on Dangarsleigh Road. The young musicians from […]


Interview with Richard Gill

The Sydney Chamber Choir will be performing on Thursday 3 May at Lazenby Hall, University of New England. Described as Sacred and profane, ancient and modern, imported and homegrown: join Sydney Chamber Choir on a musical journey […]


Paul Marshall’s Wind Report

AYWE report: It has been an exciting term for the newly reformed Wind Ensemble. At the moment there is a small group of very talented and eager students on a wide range of instruments, which […]


Term One Cello Report

This term, many Cello students at NECOM have been preparing their scales and repertoire for AMEB exams and upcoming performances in the Armidale Eisteddfod. While all this practice is going on it’s often hard to […]


Umberto Clerici Cello Masterclass

On the 3rd of April, Umberto Clerici, prize winner from the Tchaikovsky Competition and Solo Cellist with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, was picked up from the Airport by our NECOM Director and ushered into G31 […]


Stagefright Workshop with Karin Schaupp

On Wednesday 4th April, NECOM scholarship students were treated to a workshop on Stage Fright led by Karin Schaupp, one of Australia’s leading guitarists with a professional expertise in performance anxiety management. Karin’s interest in […]